The church was built in the second half of the 17th century on the project of Pietro Grossi (17th century), after demolishing a more ancient place of worship of the 5th century. The cylindric bell tower, included into the church belongs to the 9th century and it is made up of two orders of wide windows surmounted by two and three mullioned windows. The facade is tripartite corresponding to the three internal naves with three portals made of Istria stone. Inside there is a precious collection of paintings of several Ravennati painters that date back to the 16th and 18th centuries.
The interior of the church – Detail of the dome and apse
The frescoed dome in 1680 ca. by Francesco Ferrari (1634-1708)
The apse with the main altar
The Virgin and Child with St. Anthony Abbot (Giovanni Barbiani, 1556-1641) – Oil on canvas 300×180 – I Barbiani – Angelo Longo Editore – Right nave
The Virgin and Child and St Crispino and St Crispiniano (Domenico Cignani di Ravenna – sec. XVIII) – Right nave
The Virgin and Child and St Crispino and St Crispiniano (Domenico Cignani di Ravenna – sec. XVIII) – Right nave
Chapel with stucco of Marinetti and fresco of the Virgin and Child dating from the sixteenth century – Right nave
The Neapolitan crib – left transept
Altarpiece with Madonna, baby Jesus and the saints Jerome and Clement (Francesco Longhi, XVI sec.) – Oil on canvas 275×187 – I Longhi – Angelo Longo Editore – Left nave
Altarpiece with Madonna, baby Jesus and the saints Matthew and Francis (Francesco Longhi, XVI sec.) – Left nave
The Annunciation (Giovanni Battista Barbiani, 1593-1650) – Oil on canvas 200×252 – I Barbiani – Angelo Longo Editore – Left nave